Strategy-led Engagement
Global Touch has advised sell- and buy-side Wall Street investment firms, analysts, and top consulting groups about the power of partners and to understand the nuances of the IT partner landscape and what creates sustainable market advantage.
Global Touch’s work with Wall Street (sell-side) analysts and top global consulting groups focuses on helping them understand the partner landscape, how partners make and invest money into building strategic partnerships and deliver value to the customer across the lifecycle. These clients include Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Accenture, Bain, McKinsey, and more.
Engagement Services
Metrics Strategy
Brainstorming, Assessments, & Ideation
Metrics That Matter & Analytics
Knowledge Transfer & Training
Strategy-led Engagement
Global Touch participated in a collaborative consulting team for Boeing’s next generation aircraft to solve business challenges through technology or other business strategies. Global Touch’s contribution was how to use data to ensure its suppliers’ products continuously met SLAs requirements and warranty obligations, while reducing its customers’ ground time delays due to parts failures.
Global Touch had a limited consulting role. Our limited engagement resulted in three key initiatives that were implemented by Boeing and are in use today. The three key recommendations are: 1. Implement real-time data to monitor parts performance that would allow its airline operators early warnings of parts issues while the aircraft was in flight to have the appropriate parts and mechanics available to make immediate repairs after the aircraft landed and minimize push back delays. 2. Require all Boeing suppliers to purchase the data to ensure their parts are performing to contractual requirements (i.e., SLA and warranty requirements). 3. Establish supplier chargebacks for failing to meet on-going contractual or parts performance requirements.
Engagement Services
Metrics That Matter & Analytics
Knowledge Transfer & Training
Business Strategy
Brainstorming, Assessments, & Ideation